By: Dr Simon Quek, Mount Pleasant

The Story of Bently


A month after a surgery (TTT) was done on its left hind leg to repair luxating patella (floating knee caps), Bentley was still weight shifting and refusing to use his operated limb. Client was then referred to RA. A stance analysis at RA confirmed that his weight bearing is off the optimal levels. The optimal weight bearing ratio for canine is 30-30 at the front and 20-20 at the hind limbs.

Signs of muscle wastage, mild discomfort and soreness was also observed in the operated limb.

Lumbar and sacral regions were sore, which was likely caused by the weight shifting.

TTT = Tibial Tuberosity Transposition


As Bentley had undergone surgery only a month ago, the first phase of rehabilitation focused on tissue healing, pain management and only very light exercises to build core muscles.

Owner was also advised to moderate the length and pace of walks to encourage usage of left hind leg. This was progressed to hydro threadmill and pool after vet’s review and x rays confirmed that surgical site was healing well and weight bearing on operated limb was much improved.

Static Proprioception exercise were gradually advanced to active agility customized for his endurance and strength building after he regain functionality of his operated limb.


After first session, Bentley was observed to be more willing to use his operated limb. As the sessions progressed, his weight bearing ratio continued to improve towards the optimal levels. He has come to love his swimming and strength building agility sessions with us. Today, Bentley is fully discharged and he is jumping and running around steadily on his four limbs.

Dr. Sara Lam

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The role of NMES and Canine muscle atrophy prevention.
Patellar luxation causes intermittent and chronic hind limb weakness, lameness and pain. The clinical signs of this condition can vary from dog to dog depending upon their pain tolerance and the severity of the displacement